How to get first sale on Fiverr

How to get your first sale on Fiverr:

Here is the Beingguru post link you can read it and get in detail information regarding the Fiverr profile and the marketplace.
It is your responsibility to promote your Fiverr profile. I will teach you how to do it.
First of all promote it on social media as Fiverr recommends it when you create your gig to share it on different social media accounts like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
So your presence should be related to your niche in order to share the gigs.
Share links in Facebook Groups.

Quora & LinkedIn:

You can add those things to your profile on LinkedIn and in the comments section to help people by answering their questions you can add your links as well but make sure to shorten them first by Bitly. By doing this clients will go to your Fiverr profile directly.
Same thing with Quora.
Promotion is your responsibility.

How to get your first sale on Fiverr

Spend more time on Fiverr to get your first order.
Use Hashtags properly.
Create videos on YouTube and use hashtags as well.
Most importantly on Quora if someone is finding your service, tell them that you give these services. Curate your answer and then add a link there.
Fiverr works with impressions ( means viewership/eyeballs) in order to get projects.
Bring traffic from outside and run your profile simply is that