Best practices for communicating with clients on fiverr

Best practices for communicating with clients on Fiverr

In previous videos, we have created our Fiverr profile, made 7 gigs, and set the pricing.

Best practices for communicating with clients on Fiverr:
In this video, we will discuss communication with your clients because people are facing issues communicating on Fiverr and they don’t realize what to talk on the message and what should be avoided, and of course, Fiverr banned those accounts.

What Fiverr doesn’t allow:

  • Fiverr doesn’t allow you to share personal details, WhatsApp, phone number, Skype, email address and house no, etc. So you should consider these things to avoid being banned.
  • Remember always communicate in the Fiverr chat board, and use appropriate language.
  • Fiverr has a bot detection and they can pick those words or things so easily so avoid it.
  • Use the Fiverr Video call feature.

ome important things to remember whoile working on fiverr

  • Don’t share passwords credit card information etc.
  • Stick to the context.
  • If you have any issues with the client you can use the report button and can contact Fiverr customers support immediately
  • Be careful on the message board.
  • Always get payment through Fiverr.