Why everyone should have a website today?

Why everyone should have a website today? (Free Website Offer)

In this video, I will talk about why everyone should have a website.

If you are following my YouTube channel you will know we have a free website offer for you. We will make your website free of cost if you purchase hosting through our link.

You can purchase hosting by clicking on this link:

Contact [email protected] for free website creation.

If your website is SEO optimized & google rank then clients will walk to you on their own, which is very beneficial for you. You can get the following benefits from your website:

  • Organic growth(you will get clients directly from Google)
  • Branding(you will grow as a brand)
  • High price(once you become a brand you can charge your client with high price)
  • Google PPC(you can run PPC on Google)

Benefits of having SEO optimized website

For example, if you are a graphic designer, make your website, select your country, and run a sponsored ad on your target keyword. Your website will show as a sponsored ad on Google, your website should have 3 things:

  • Facebook Pixel
  • Email opt-in form
  • Social media handles

This is the way of retargeting, customers will come to your website by putting in a keyword. These are your direct clients from Google. You can also rank your website through SEO, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO.

Get More Customers with Organic Growth

Having your own website can help you attract more customers without spending a fortune on advertising. When your website is well-optimized for search engines like Google, potential customers can find you easily when they search for related services. This means more people will come to you naturally, giving you a steady stream of potential customers.

Your website serves as your virtual business card. You can show off your work, your skills, and what makes you unique there. You can build your brand and establish yourself as an expert in your field by having a professional website. This distinguishes you from the competition and helps you gain customers’ trust.