Things to include in Proposal While Bidding on Upwork

How to practically BID on UpWork

Freelancing has become a popular way for professionals in today’s digital age to show off their skills and connect with clients all over the world. One of the most popular freelance platforms, Upwork, gives freelancers a lot of ways to find work and advance their careers. To stand out from the competition in Upwork’s bidding process, strategy, and optimization are required. We’ll look at practical ways to improve your Upwork profile and win projects in this article. So have a look into to bid on upwork

In this blog, I will discuss how to optimize your Upwork profile and practically bid on Upwork.


Go to your profile and click on find work, you can check different job posts in the “jobs you might like” section.

  • Find jobs according to your skill set: Concentrate on projects that complement your interests and expertise. This permits you to exhibit your abilities really and increment your possibilities of getting the task.
  • Prefer fixed price: On Upwork, there are both hourly and fixed-price projects available; however, it is frequently advantageous to prioritize fixed-price projects. They allow for more precise time management and clearer expectations
  • Check payment method verified
  • Read details of & if you think you can confident to do this project simply just click to apply
  • Select by project
  • Select price, Upwork will charge 20%
  • Select duration
  • Write a cover letter using the 7 Rangi formula
  • At last, attach any previous work or portfolio & submit your proposal.

how to practically bid on upwork

Your bid should be to the point & provide solutions to their problem. The client is always looking for someone who can solve their problems and can provide a solution to their questions.


A well-optimized profile and well-written, well-thought-out proposals are necessary for successful Upwork bidding. You can stand out from the competition and increase your chances of success if you follow the steps in this article. Keep in mind to constantly improve your profile, tailor your proposals to each project, and highlight your expertise and skills.